FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), Documentation, Intel anticipates no impact to customers, see PCN detail for further information.

Publish Date 09 February 2021
PCN Number 118044-01
PCN Title Intel(R) Stratix 10 devices, PCN 118044-01, Documentation, Datasheet Update, Reason for Revision: Provide the correct hyperlink to affected part numbers (OPNs)
Key Characteristics Documentation
Product Categories FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)
Complete PCN PDF https://QDMS.intel.com/dm/i.aspx/A0348F94-128E-4031-B721-F02A6191EAD9/PCN118044-01.pdf
API URL /api/118044-01.json
Alternate PDF URL (redirect) /pcn/118044-01/pdf