Compute Module, Consumer Electronics, Desktop Boards, Label, Intel anticipates no impact to customers, see PCN detail for further information.

Publish Date 09 July 2020
PCN Number 117681-00
PCN Title Intel(R) NUC Kit, NUC8i3BEK Intel(R) NUC Kit, NUC8i5BEK Intel(R) NUC Kit, NUC8i7BEK Intel(R) NUC Kit, NUC8i3BEH Intel(R) NUC Kit NUC8i3BEH Intel(R) NUC Kit NUC8i5BEH Intel(R) NUC Kit, NUC8i7BEH Intel(R) NUC 8 Home, a Mini PC with Windows 10, Intel(R) Core i5, 256GB NVMe S
Key Characteristics Label
Product Categories Desktop Boards, Consumer Electronics, Compute Module
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