Intel(R) DUSLIC¬ XS1 PEF32001 Codec, Intel(R) DUSLIC¬ xT1 PEF3101 Codec, Intel(R) XWAY¬ SLICS PEF42642 SLIC, Intel(R) XWAY¬ SmartSLIC PEF42068 SLIC, PCN 115186-00, Product Discontinuance, Discontinuance of some SLIC/DuSLIC versions
Networking Products, Product Discontinuance, Please determine your remaining demand for these products and place your last product discontinuance orders in accordance with the key milestones in the PCN.
Publish Date | 16 December 2016 |
PCN Number | 115186-00 |
PCN Title | Intel(R) DUSLIC XS1 PEF32001 Codec, Intel(R) DUSLIC xT1 PEF3101 Codec, Intel(R) XWAY SLICS PEF42642 SLIC, Intel(R) XWAY SmartSLIC PEF42068 SLIC, PCN 115186-00, Product Discontinuance, Discontinuance of some SLIC/DuSLIC versions |
Key Characteristics | Product Discontinuance |
Product Categories | Networking Products |
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