Embedded Processors, Label, Intel anticipates no impact to customers, see PCN detail for further information.

Publish Date 06 June 2011
PCN Number 110688-00
PCN Title Intel(R) Celeron(R) M Processor 530, Intel(R) Celeron(R) Processors 550, 575 and ULV 573, Intel(R) CoreT2 Duo Processors U7500, T7500, L7500, T7400, T5500, L7400 and L7350, PCN 110688-00, Label
Key Characteristics Label
Product Categories Embedded Processors
Complete PCN PDF https://QDMS.intel.com/dm/i.aspx/64391139-DC93-488B-9F7A-F9A43E4342AA/PCN110688-00.pdf
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