Intel NetStructure(R) Host Media Processing (HMP) Software Release for Windows and Linux, PCN 107295-00, Product Discontinuance, Product Discontinuance of software products to eliminate the current two-tier pricing based on system density
Telecom and Compute, Product Discontinuance, Please determine your remaining demand for these products and place your last product discontinuance orders in accordance with the key milestones in the PCN.
Publish Date | 22 February 2007 |
PCN Number | 107295-00 |
PCN Title | Intel NetStructure(R) Host Media Processing (HMP) Software Release for Windows and Linux, PCN 107295-00, Product Discontinuance, Product Discontinuance of software products to eliminate the current two-tier pricing based on system density |
Key Characteristics | Product Discontinuance |
Product Categories | Telecom and Compute |
Complete PCN PDF | |
API URL | /api/107295-00.json |
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