S5000PAL/S5000XAL, Class 2, PCN 106864-01, Product Design, Change to VR Heatsink, Reason for Revision: Correcting customer readiness date
Server Boards and Platforms, Product Design, Intel anticipates no impact to customers, see PCN detail for further information.
Publish Date | 30 November 2006 |
PCN Number | 106864-01 |
PCN Title | S5000PAL/S5000XAL, Class 2, PCN 106864-01, Product Design, Change to VR Heatsink, Reason for Revision: Correcting customer readiness date |
Key Characteristics | Product Design |
Product Categories | Server Boards and Platforms |
Complete PCN PDF | https://QDMS.intel.com/dm/i.aspx/E2899972-F037-42BB-95AF-064B3C660482/PCN106864-01.pdf |
API URL | /api/106864-01.json |
Alternate PDF URL (redirect) |